For many years, Security has been one of the fundamental discussion topics for all governments worldwide.
The main actors working in private security, represented by Private Security Institutes and their Operations Centres, have to be subject to the conformity assessment relating the requirements specified by the Italian DM 269/210 (and subsequent amendments and additions) by the Policy Document of the Police Chief (and subsequent amendments and additions), and by the EN and UNI reference standards.
The private security institutes certification is not just mandatory, but it represents also an element of distinction and a strategic instrument of communication and transparency of the services offered.
If the Private Security Institutes get the certificate, they are given the chance of taking part at public and private tendering contracts.
ANCCP Certification Agency S.r.l., who is an Independent Notified Body accredited by Accredia and authorized by the Minister of Internal Affairs, issues certificates related to this field according to the following reference standards:
- Company organisational system (UNI 10891) – cert. cat. I
- Monitoring and Alarm Receiving Centres (UNI CEN EN 50518) – cert. Cat. II
ANCCP Certification Agency S.r.l. is present with n. ODC18 in the list of Bodies of Independent Certification for the quality of the institutes and services of private security (art. 4 commas 1 and 2 of the Italian DM115/2014) issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs.